Competition Announcement – CLOSED

I was walking home and I saw this wall with graffiti all over it, and I suddenly thought, “Isn’t graffiti beautiful?”

Bear with me here.

A wall of graffiti is not the work of one person; it is the collective effort of a bunch of creative and unlawful artists. Sometimes they paint over another’s creation, but usually they simply continue it, improve it, or paint something else in response to it. That’s when it becomes beautiful: when it is a thoughtful conversation taking place without words ever being exchanged.

Now, the 2,000 followers milestone kind of passed by without me really noticing, as a result of this being a super intense test season (twelve down, three to go). So, I propose we celebrate the 2,500 mark instead. That gives us time to come up something good. Notice my use of ‘we’. It’s because this is what I’m thinking:

Why don’t you write about it instead of me? Or even not necessarily about it, but about something else that has been on your mind and you would like to share with what the rest of this lovely community? It can be anything you’d like!!! You can write about your own health struggles and triumphs, about your families and loved ones, share a funny anecdote, or absolutely anything you’d like. You could even send in pictures of your artwork if you’d like, or a photo montage, or… well, have I made it clear enough that it can be anything you’d like? Let your imagination take over. For 1,000, I put a spotlight on the words you leave for me in the comments section. Now, I’m putting a spotlight on the message/s you want others to hear.

Seeing as I can’t give you an accurate deadline, because I don’t know when I will reach 2,500 followers, how about we just agree that you’ll send in your final pieces by Monday, July 14th, in four weeks? That way I can have time to read through everything and pick my favorite one. Oh, have I made that clear enough? This is a competition. Because that just makes it more fun. There will be one featured piece on the day I reach 2,500 followers, here on this site. But, if I get a lot of really amazing entries, there may or may not be a new page going up around the same time with a bunch more. You didn’t hear it from me, though.


Terms for entering this amazingly awesome competition:

1. You must be a follower of Sick and Sick of It

2. You must be human and alive (because otherwise it would just be creepy)

3. You must be a follower of my twitter account (the link will be on the right side of your screen if you scroll down far enough)


How to enter:

Simply write something (/draw/create/fill-in-the-blank), and send it to with the subject: 2,500 entry, and then your name  (example: 2,500 entry, Ella Doe). I will reply to your email to confirm that I have received it. Take note, if I don’t respond within a week it probably means it wasn’t received! Shoot me another email to check, because it might have gotten lost or sent to spam by accident. If you are the chosen one (like I wouldn’t put a Harry Potter reference in here), I will send you an additional email closer to the time to let you know that your piece will be going up. You can include an “about the author” box if you’re so inclined, and include links to your various online endeavors.


How to help make this awesome-er:

1. Put a lot of thought into what you send me. My words have reached so many people in over 120 countries around the world, and it’s simply insane to try to wrap my mind around that. If your piece wins, your message will reach them too.

2. Tweet the image below along with a link to this page (#2500), post it on Facebook or mention it on your blog (because the more the merrier! And it’s in your best interest to tell everyone you know about this, friend or foe, because they will fall uncontrollably in love with this site (or not) and subscribe (or not), and that brings us closer to 2,500(or not)). Also, it’s twenty-five-hundred, not two-thousand-five-hundred. Because that’s how my brain works.

3. I cannot stress this enough: please get the word out there!

4. Send in your piece as soon as you have it ready (I have an urge to say “the early bird gets the worm” right now).


So maybe 2,500 isn’t a wall of graffiti. Maybe it’s better.


2,500 competition cover photo

For the record, this sweet dog is saying “2,500. It’s awesome. Woof. I like it. You’ll like it too. Woof.”


Always yours truly,



Song Quote:

It’s a mess, It’s a start, It’s a … work of art. -Take Back The City, Snow Patrol

This competition is now closed! If you’re still interested in sending me something you’ve created, feel free to do so but you won’t win this competition. 


#2500 !!!!!!!

18 comments on “Competition Announcement – CLOSED

  1. flippyzipflop says:

    I would LOVE to partake in this!! However, I don’t have Twitter or Facebook. I’m kind of anti social media… I already have a piece started in my head, so if you’ll allow me to enter, (despite the fact that I don’t have Twitter) I’d greatly appreciate it. If not, that’s okay. I understand.

    Best of luck,


    • tiredella says:

      Hi! Have you had a chance to send in your entry yet? (Also, you aren’t a twitter follower, but I announced on there that entries sent on the 15th will also be accept due to timezone differences)


      • flippyzipflop says:

        I haven’t, and I don’t think I’ll be able to… I’ve got too much going on. Between doctor’s appointments, karate classes and regular blogging, I still haven’t actually written for my book. I appreciate the fact that you’d consider me without a Twitter account though. Thank you!!


  2. lordgodmose says:

    Wow, you sure do have a lot of followers! I have about 260, I gotta work harder! Congratulations and good luck!


  3. […] Competition Announcement – YAY […]


  4. dotedon says:

    Hi Ella,
    I follow you now (and do the rest you asked for as soon as I can). I hope your day doesn’t suck.


  5. ollamok says:

    Just might take you up on that. Does it have to be new?


  6. Ivy says:

    What a fabulous fantastical fun idea! Oh the pressure; a competition😁😳☺️😃😝😉

    Sent from my iPhone



  7. bettemae says:

    WOw that’s wonderful- so many followers…(I say as I wimp along with only a handful.)


  8. Dave says:

    agree re the beauty of the conversation between graffiti artists over time.


  9. kcg1974 says:

    Love your idea. Not very technical on my end with many of what I try to do ending up “Lost,” but well see. Love it.


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