
Once upon a time, there was a princess, and her name was Ella. Remember the story of the princess and the pea? Well you see, that’s why I’m a princess. If I were atop of 20 mattresses, I would feel the little bump, because I have Fibromyalgia. But hey, I’m not going to let that define me. So here are a few other things about me:

1. I like dressing nicely, all the time, and doing fancy hair dos (July 2015 update: I now have short hair, so never mind about the hair dos). If I don’t feel great inside, I might as well look great on the outside. This way, when I look all put together, people don’t see my pain.

2. I love to write.

3. I am a huge fan of Bastille, Kodaline, Passenger, Daughter, Ed Sheeran, Lauren Aquilina, Lewis Watson, Ben Howard, Bon Iver, Florence and The Machine, Gabrielle Aplin, Maroon 5, Taylor Swift, Hozier, Birdy, Ms Mr, Soley, The Script, The 1975, Luke Sital-Singh, Benjamin Francis Leftwich, Alt-J, Bear’s Den, Lorde, Adele, Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic, Radical Face* and many more…  (July 2015 update: Wow, updating this list will be difficult… I shall leave it). Music is such a wonderful thing, and my vow to myself is that when (/if) I get better, I will learn to play an instrument.

4. I battle with myself very often, and the best way for me to reach conclusions is to write the battles down.

5. I’m working on a novel. Currently about 10,000 words. The goal is to finish it, no matter what the end result is. My soul is crying to create a story. (July 2015 update: funnily enough, when I started this blog in April of 2013 this was a true about a certain book. Now I’m working on a different book and I’m once again nearing 10k).

6. I like lists.

I’m sure I’ll think of more things later and then I’ll update this page. (It’s very hard trying to write about yourself like this. If you really want to know about me, read my posts, and figure me out through those. I believe people are a lot more complex than how they present themselves. Things are never as they seem, and we should never assume.

Yours truly,

Ella (I’m not really a princess)

The Princess and the Pea

*The man behind the name is Ben Cooper, and he saw a ripped up piece of a flyer, with the words “radical face” and decided that would be a great stage name. He later realized the flyer was for “a radical face lift”.

General 2015 update: I created this page a few days after I created this blog, over two years ago. Incredible how true this still is, and yet how different I am from the girl who wrote it then. Thinking about it is giving me a headache. 

146 comments on “About

  1. ergozen says:

    I read several of your posts and enjoyed them quite a bit. I pray you get well and soon. In the meantime, keep writing! You’ve got talent. Cheers,


  2. leonardlzw says:

    Woah! really inspiring! This message shows that we CAN indeed keep on moving forward no matter what! Keep on thinking this way! :) And I believe that you will ofcourse get better, and you’ll change lives because of it!


  3. Hello,

    Dropping by to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the “Dragon’s Loyalty” and “Blogger of the Year” awards.


    Cheers xx


  4. xenophobia22 says:

    May God Bless you & keep writing… Never listen to “The Critics”, they NEVER write themselves, they just whine about others…. Peace!


  5. rjl2727 says:

    ok Princess, i am following. like the concept and appearance of you blog.


  6. Danny James says:

    Your blog looks like reading.



  7. prayingforoneday says:

    Please accept the “The Dragon’s Loyalty Award”
    I hope you can accept..

    Thank you.


  8. superriska says:

    Hey, Ella! I found you are very talented in writing. I love your posts, they are all nicely written. I hope you stay positive and keep writing! :)


  9. Serenstar says:

    Hello! I have nominated you for the “Most Influential Blogger” award! Click on the link below to find out more on this special award. Congratulations!!


  10. barthanekamp says:

    I like your style of writing! My mom also has fibromyalgia, so I am familiar with the struggles. And to keep in your style of writing:

    – Let this be our little secrets, no one needs to know were feeling higher, and higher, and higher – Passion Pit


  11. Just found your blog! Hope you’re doing well and looking forward to reading more :)


  12. Why wait until you are “better” to learn to play an instrument. There’s no reason to wait. Live your life fully starting now. Don’t put off things you want to do.


  13. linamay says:

    I once went to a fancy dress party as the princess and the pea and wore a mattress and a packet of frozen peas so your beautiful story has won me over. Stay well :)


  14. litfreak09 says:

    I love Gabrielle Aplin and Ed Sheeran. Great music choices. I’m looking forward to reading more of the posts on your blog. You’ve got my follow : )


  15. victoriaaphotographyictoria says:

    As a fellow Fibromyalgia sufferer you have my sympathy. I’m a list maker too – lol.

    In fact, anyone with an invisible chronic illness (ICI) has my sympathy.


  16. dangerzonerez says:

    What an honest blog! You are a great writer Ella! I love the resilience and humor you face your illness with! “Having a bad day? Me too” is what really caught my attention. What a great way to sum everything up and remind us all that things can always be worse! I look forward to more great writing from you in the future.


  17. I saw you on someone else’s list of who they are following and blog. I clicked and your picture and saw thr tagline. My response, “lol” *follow*


  18. sallyjadlow says:

    Praying for your healing so you can play me a song.


  19. […] Inspired by Tiredella – CLICK!  https://sickandsickofit.wordpress.com/about/ […]


  20. Taylor Jamieson says:

    Dear Ella,

    good morning! Thank you for sharing your stories. There is a borrowed magic in these letters and words at the ends of days and in early mornings while my daughter sleeps that stops the clocks and the thoughts and pains and everyday things…at least until they begin again,.. and you have that gift. go there.

    while I can’t know you in a story or two a day of catching up – especially since I only found your writing yesterday – I once had the fortune of spending months without walking and the months after that learning how to walk and run and ski and climb again after a simple fall at a not so simple speed taught me there is time for words.

    broken ankles, transverse processes, screws and plates and doctors and physios and opinions and, and, and…and the thing I remember most is how it all faded away when my mind was somewhere else.

    that, and how a ridiculously good girl / friend (read: not girlfriend) of mine thought since I wasn’t going to be getting around on my own for awhile I should learn to juggle in my hospital bed…and so I did…over my head because I couldn’t sit up. The nurses loved the calls – not – when the bean bag balls flew out of crutch range and I buzzed in for them to help recover the errant projectiles…but I did order them pizza on yet another night my surgery was delayed. :)

    life has a way of teaching us what is possible Ella. One doctor who was a great surgeon but not so great motivational speaker told me, “you will walk but maybe with a limp, and never run again…’ He obviously didn’t get to know me very well between the hours in the operating room and the weekly 15 minute follow up meetings. A year later I told him the screws hurt when I ran with my girl friend (now my wife – who came in third in her last marathon) and the plate in my leg pinched in my ski boot, oh ya, and how many advil am I allowed to take before I go so my spine doesn’t hurt so much after? Ha, ha…I can laugh now but I know it wasn’t my will or some great spirit in me, I just never understood there was anything I couldn’t do. You know that right? There is nothing you can’t do.

    and in the times between, you know those other times, when the pain is still there when I close my eyes and I need to be alone so no-one else can see, I find the words and the happy sadness of some old Smiths songs about getting crushed with your love by a ten ton truck or meeting at the cemetry gates to keep me company while I fill the empty spaces with stories.

    did I say thank you?


    Liked by 1 person

  21. divinechaos says:

    Thank you for finding me and leading me back to you!


  22. Nodz says:

    Hi nodz here, I nominated you for the Best Moment Award, here’s the link http://mjraik.wordpress.com/nodz/best-moment-award/
    God bless :) keep posting, you have an awesome blog


  23. Raphael says:

    But you are a “PRINCESS”

    Blessings you will feel…


  24. dpualumni45 says:

    ‘My soul is crying to create a story.’ You have a new follower! I, too, live with Fibro & CIDP… I feel you!!! Keep creating!!!


  25. 90vinitablog says:

    Keep up your good work. Good Luck….and great music list


  26. I’m so sorry you live with such pain xo


  27. hafong says:

    Hi Princess Ella! You look and sound great.


  28. skipmars says:

    Other than life wounds, I’ve been pretty lucky in being spared the medical ones — but I know they’re coming.

    I say write — for yourself. Even if no one reads or understands it. Even if the concert hall is empty — play and sing your life out to it.

    By the way, may I recommend the baritone ukulele as an instrument to learn? Fairly lightweight. Nice sound. And it’s come back in vogue.


  29. igobythebook says:

    Good luck on your novel!


  30. ardisanelson says:

    I have FMS too, but have learned how to keep it at bay, for the most part. I also have CFS and chemical sensitivity, although people wouldn’t know I have any of those illnesses. I am a very high maintenance health addict, using lots of supplements, getting regular massage, cranial sacral treatment, etc. It takes a lot of time and effort to appear healthy and to function normally. You will get there too. Everyone’s body is unique and responds differently to treatment. Just keep working on it and something will work for you. :)


  31. HI Ella, nice to meet you.


  32. oh, my dear, i have been told i have the same thing. my dear cousin as well, and she suffered immensely. there are many ways you can try to combat this illness which are not known by the medical community. begging god to help you is one of them, and trust me, as someone who knows, IT WORKS eventually. do not stop trying. know that you are bathed in love, at least by ME


  33. desdemonad says:

    nice to meet you!!


  34. Ms. Vee says:

    Hello Ella,
    Yes you are a princess! Best of luck on your book. You stay strong, when the days and nights are long. Be blessed!


  35. hereisandrea says:

    Hi Ella. I’ve always told my daughters that all girls are princesses!
    – Nice to meet you :)


  36. Shirley Anne says:

    I am so sorry to learn you are suffering with Fibromyalgia, it must be so difficult for you. I hope one day you will be much better. Love

    Shirley Anne x


  37. Dear Ella,
    Having just read this page I have a feeling I’m going to really love your blog! You’ve articulated things I struggle to just on this page – thanks! I’m excited to read more!!!! xx


  38. darsword says:

    I decided to follow you because, even here on the About page, I have learned a thing or two. Now I can hardly wait to read more of your blog.


  39. Cheri L. says:

    I love your spirit, I hope you find healing and health and happy writing.


  40. tearlines says:

    Hello Ella: I can’t figure out how to send a private message on wordpress… arg! I have a question for you, though. You mentioned in your “About” section (above) that you enjoy wearing nice clothes and doing fancy hairstyles. I am a tomboy, MAJOR tomboy. But I have long hair and often feel the desire to throw in a French braid or something like that, something that would look pretty/elegant but wouldn’t be down and driving me crazy. However, I find that whenever I try to even put in braided pigtails, my upper back starts hurting and driving me crazy. I have a cervical disc problem and chronic migraines–you have fibromyalgia. Obviously two very different conditions, but I suspect your pain issues might impact the way you do basic things like fixing your hair. Have you figured out a way to do complicated hairdos without hurting yourself? It’s driving me up the wall… I’m tired of looking like a hobo, seriously, the only things I can do with my hair right now without hurting myself are VERY messy buns and a simple ponytail. I don’t wear makeup and want to retain a sense of femininity in a way that is meaningful for me… do you have any a) easy but tidy/elegant up-dos in your arsenal for bad pain days and/or b) tricks for doing more complicated hairstyles on bad pain days? I’d really appreciate any help you might be able to offer!


    • tiredella says:

      Tearlines, I’m so glad you asked. One thing you can do is sit down next to a table while you’re working on your hair. Sitting itself eases some of the stress and pressure on your back. Then you can lean forward, put your elbows on the table, and then you’re not straining your shoulders and neck too much. Did I explain that right? It kind of looks like you’re upset, leaning against the table with your head in your hands, but it helps make things easier. Another thing is to split it up. If it hurts you to brush or comb your hair, that makes the simplest hair dos hurt. So let’s take pigtails for example. You brush your hair- rest. Split it in two, put each in a ponytail- rest. Braid one- rest. Braid the other- rest. It takes a hell of a lot more time, but helps not tire me out too much. If even those are hard for you, it’s time to accessorize (and even if they aren’t- accessories rock). Put your hair in a messy bun or pony, but then put on a head band, or put in a pretty, funky, colorful, elegant clip. Also, if you have straight hair that dries flat, you can get bangs, which classify any messy hair do. But if your hair doesn’t dry that way, don’t get bangs, because you have to spend time drying or straightening them, and that defeats the purpose.
      If you have any more questions or you want some more tips, just post a reply on here, and I’ll answer. I don’t want to hand out my email or any other information, so this is our best option.
      Hope these helped, and again, contact me if you have any other questions,


  41. KG Visions says:

    you have a new follower, you hooked me in :)


  42. good luck for your novel…. I am forced to say this you are just in teens and have so much of world out to do things you want to…. Go get it


  43. graypoet says:

    I write for my own enjoyment and release so it is nice to find that others enjoy my rambling at times. Your ‘like’ gave me a chance to find your blog and I am enjoying your writing. It is hard to see ones so young with this illness, I have friends that battle it as well. I hope they can ease your pain. I look forward to more of your words and hope you find other posts of mine that will touch something.


  44. Hey there.
    It’s actually so relieving to know people my age have the same problem as me. People around me find it hard to understand my conditions and I feel like I just found my sanctuary.
    I really do hope your conditions ease up & you become pain free very soon.
    Hope to speak more xox

    – Rayanne xox


  45. Michael S. Osborn says:

    Hang in there and good luck on your novel. I love to write also, but get kinda lazy at times. :-)


  46. D.A. Slinkard says:

    You’ve got me hooked….I’m definitely going to follow you.


  47. Chip Monck says:

    Nice music list. Great choices!


  48. You have a new follower.


  49. custardmat says:

    :) I (stupidly) hadn’t read your name as tired-ella but presumed it was your whole name – tira-della (a bit like cinderella)


  50. Trisha Dey says:

    Hey dear! Just stay positive. I really hope you get well!
    And I somehow love those concluding lines-“I believe people are a lot more complex than how they present themselves. Things are never as they seem, and we should never assume.” You’re so right. Thank you for making me realize that.
    Dear, you’ve got a beautiful name. But I sincerely wish you hadn’t attached that word tired with your name. That adjective somehow gets a bit negative in sense. As a friend, I would love if you keep it just Ella. And please please just don’t stop hoping! You’ll get well… God Bless! :)


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